+44 73 5718 2780

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Our accessibility commitment to each and every one of our private clients includes being available at any reasonable time outside normal practice hours, or by prior arrangement.

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Opening Hours

24 Hour Emergency
Mon-Thur: 8:30am-5:00pm
Fri: 8:30am-4:00pm
Sat-Sun: By Prior Appointment


Tel: +44 73 5718 2780
Fax: +44 73 5718 2780
DX: 31957 Chalfont St Peter
Emergency(24hr): +44 73 5718 2780


Davis-Law Associates remain operational and can deal with instructions remotely by telephone +44 73 5718 2780, mobile or email info@davis-lawfirm.co.uk We deal with most areas of law, including family matters and domestic abuse.